Jesus's reign is how long?
Depends on which white horse he is ridding
jesus was enthroned and began ruling as king in 1914, which is why the wt are currently celebrating 100 years of kingdom rule.. but then we read in the feb 2014 study wt ("hail christ, the glorious king!
" par.
19): "he will complete his conquest by abyssing satan and his demons for the full length of the thousand year reign.".
Jesus's reign is how long?
Depends on which white horse he is ridding
i have almost never had a visual hallucination and i was wondering what they're like.
how "real" do they seem?
is there any kind of a hint you get that tells you they are not real?
Yeah! I dreamed I was Russell Crowe.
have jws pinched anything other than family worship from the mormons?.
could we see jws implement a type of meeting structure similar to the mormons to try and engage different ages in different ways?.
could we ever see a jw feel free to do anything like...?.
Not a lot. Many years ago, when I was a tender and callow fellow, I knocked at a door with an elder. The guy who opened the door told us he had no time for Jehovah's Witnesses. I asked how he knew we weren’t Mormons? His reply, “Mormons wear better suits. You ain’t as damned smart.”
i realized this about myself yesterday.
i was noticing how on a thread i thought about commenting on, i held back out of a fear i still have of speaking out against the governing body.
i have been disrespectful to the god of the bible and openly proclaimed i do not think he exists.
Comatose I was so well conditioned that I am still afraid to be disrespectful to the GB. To speak out against god is one thing, but to do so against the GB is even worse.
Very wise.
The Governing Body actually exists and has the power to cut off your privileges.
as many may be aware.
i don't like the man.
but i have chosen to review the first chapter of his book.. chapter 1... only a theory?.
Gravity is reality.
Ignore it at your peril!
as many may be aware.
i don't like the man.
but i have chosen to review the first chapter of his book.. chapter 1... only a theory?.
KateWild Why don’t you write a book? Then we can see how it should be done.
Dawkins is God to me and that's saying something - cos I'm an atheist.
it has been nice talking with you.but i seem to upset a few because of my faith.. so have a great christmas.... & be good, i wont be here to send you to your rooms .
i have grown close to many of you.... if i have ever said anything to hurt you sorry!!!!.
when i kick the bucket i am sure "mary" who ssometimes post will let you know.. mouthy grace gough.
Grace - I am a man without faith, but nothing you have ever said has caused offence. A long time ago, I took a cheap swipe at you, your response was so kind and accommodating that I was both moved and humbled. Hope you will reconsider. You are an asset to this forum.
who was in any doubt that our jw believe is a marketing model, see this pictures of the still existing hq of jw at columbia heights.. earlier comments on jwn that something is going to change in the organisation, these comments are true.. in a few years we will not talk about the watchtower society, we wil talk about
i think the current leadership will make a transfer to a new start.
May people know that you, whose name is you alone are the Most High over all the earth.
Psalms 83:18
january 2014 watchtower study article.
let your kingdom comebut when?.
this generation will not pass away.
And 6. The great multitude that no man can number.
My examination of the Bible has led me to an unshakable conviction that this refers to the worldwide network of apostates that will enter the Kingdom ahead of all unwise virgins who run out of oil.
can a publisher "drop out" and still be in good standing?.
One of my experiences as a boy of 14 years old. (Names changed)
Tim was working on the correct use of notes. He finished giving the six minute talk, using verses from the Bible, to an audience of around a hundred. Picking up his Bible, he left the rostrum and returned to his seat. His father, Ron, who had been assigned as the school overseer, took the platform and swayed from side to side for a moment as he cleared his throat.
‘You have given an excellent talk. This is a fine example to other young people. It shows what can be achieved through training in the theocratic ministry school. You used your notes so well I was unaware you had any. Could you hold up your notes so we can see how few notes are needed, if they are used properly?’
Tim shook his head. ‘I don’t have any notes that I can hold up.’
Ron was exasperated. ‘No notes! How can I counsel you on use of notes if you don’t have any? You’re working on use of notes. You are supposed to have notes. You will have to work on use of notes again next time you give a talk. You have wasted our time today!’
Ron’s handkerchief was out as he mopped his eyes and swayed from side to side with more vigour than before. For a moment Tim felt sorry for his father, until he became aware of the shocked look on the faces of people in the audience. They were looking round to see how he had taken the counsel. The school overseer is not supposed to have a strop but counsel in a kind and tactful way. It seems that on this occasion Ron had lost his cool.
After the meeting a number of people approached Tim, to commend him and see if he was upset. Brother Game approached, smiling.
‘That was a fine talk Tim. It’s a shame about the lack of notes but you haven’t wasted anyone’s time. We always enjoy your talks. I hope this has not upset you. Next time you will have some notes,’ he added, nodding.
‘I did have notes,’ he replied.
Brother Game looked puzzled. ‘But you told your father that you didn’t have any notes.’
Tim raised both eyebrows. ‘No, I said I didn’t have any notes that I could hold up. I only had notes pencilled into the margin of my Bible, to cross- reference the next verse that I needed to go to.’
‘Oh dear Tim, why didn’t you tell your father that and avoid being told off in front of everybody?’
Tim looked at brother Game with a twinkle in his eye and replied dryly, ‘That would have spoilt all the fun!’
Brother Game looked at him for a moment as though he had misunderstood, and then the penny dropped. He started laughing. Chuckling to himself, he patted Tim on the back.
‘I have a feeling that you are going to be alright. Wait until my wife hears about this,’ he said as he walked away still laughing.